A cubhood game that is practised by almost every species that has a tail. It’s origin however is most certainly feline and specifically
Leonine at that. Tail nibble is a game similar to a game of tag. It most likely evolved out of hunting instincts emerging out of restless
In the oldest of Leonine writings the game has been recorded, originally having the name: Tail Chomp. The change from chomp to nibble
seems quite obvious. For the greatest fun you need 3 or more players. For explaining purposes I’m using the 4 cub variant.
The teams can be made like this:
1 prey, 3 hunters = Variant A
2 prey, 2 hunters = Variant B
3 prey, 1 hunter = Variant C
Variant A: A prey is assigned, usually the oldest among the group, and allowed to get a safe spot. The hunters close their eyes and turn
circles until they’re all dizzy. Then the tracking begins. When the ‘prey’ is discovered the chase begins and wont end until either a
hunter locks their jaws on the tip of tail of their prey.
The ‘prey’ can either try to exhaust the ‘hunters’, run to ‘safety’ (in between the legs of unknowing adults) or backnibble. Backnibbling
is the most desperate tactic, trying to turn the tables on the hunters. If the ‘prey’ manages to nibble on the tail of the hunter
he/she’s ‘killed’ the hunter. Which is then not allowed to help the others until the game is over. Backnibbling has as drawback that if
it’s spotted by the fellow hunters it leaves the ‘prey’ vulnerable. Sometimes the prey is asked to pretend to be a particular prey animal,
ranging from rabbits to zebra.
Variant B: Two teams. The prey team get a ten pawstep head start before the hunter team gives chase. The hunters are then allowed to team
on either of the prey which in turn are allowed to bail each other out by backnibbling or simply tackling their opponents.
Rules vary in this variant. Most common are assigning targets to the hunters and allowing team-mates to revive fallen partners. These
games can last for hours or be over in minutes.
Variant C: The young/clumsy cub version. The hunter wont win till he/she has nibbled all the prey. Depending on the cruelty of the prey
the hunter will be taunted, tackled and have tails dangled in front of his/her face while being held down. Overall though cubs are
encouraged to play nice and teach the younger cubs how to play.
Playing with two players is also possible however given that the prey usually tries to backnibble while the hunter grabs for the prey’s
tail. They end up running in circles and the game usually ends in a tie as both grab hold, ‘killing’ each other at the same time.
In modern times the challenge lies in getting the nibble without using your paws/hands. There is also an adult version of tailnibble
where females channel their hunting instincts to catch their male of choice. Then seize him at the base of his tail and nibble on his
other “tail” to get a rise out of him.